Monday, December 21, 2009

The Father's Hands

My Father's hands are nail-scarred from hanging on the cross. His cross was in the middle between thieves. The repented and one didn't. They had accept or deny. Will I accept or deny my thief? How do I accept grief and allow myself to experience redemption. This process is uncharted because it is different for everyone. Jesus accepted the thief at heaven's gate and he entered into never-ending joy. Can my grief experience never-ending joy when it is redeemed? Tonight Kira is holding onto those nail scarred hands - redeemed. Here I am floundering around in unredeemed grief...unable to give it all to my Father even though I know in my heart that is where I find redemption. Redemption because of nail scarred hands. I give it...I take it back...I give it...I take it back. The best part of all is that I know my Father. My Father is patient, understanding of grief and it's process, and as much as I hate it - He is holding my little girl on Christmas. Tonight I picture Kira with her head on those nail-scarred hands. The same head that last year was on her earthly father's hands.

I was looking at this picture again today and thought the rest of you might enjoy it too. I don't know what inspired her to do this more then her genuine love for her daddy.

We all miss Kira so much these days. Marlea wanted to buy her a present and bury it on top of her casket, so it could be closer to Kira. That broke my heart. It's extremely difficult for me to have serious conversations with Marlea about Kira right now because of the pain associated with Christmas. Please pray that I would be able to remain open about my feelings with her. It would be so much easier right now to shut down but that has damaging results for all of us.

Merry Christmas! Marylu and Merlin, Marlea, Anna


  1. Ah, my friend...i weep with you...thank you for sharing those love - e

  2. thank you for sharing those photo. i have tears in my eyes, as i am soooo sad for u!!! may u be able to have a blessed christmas despite your huge lose of your kira. god is with u all and so will kira. bless u marylu and your family.

  3. Marylu,
    Ditto to what you said.

  4. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers..
    Bless you all!

  5. Beautiful, sis. I love you, and oh ache, but want to trust you to those nail-scarred hands.
