Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jesus through the eyes of a child

We say we can't see God - that we trust without sight. We talk about the faith of a child, and read in the Bible that our faith should be like that of a child. The Bible talks about children coming to Jesus in absolute trust. The Bible doesn't talk about children dying. Do they just go Home with Jesus when they die? In my mother heart I fear that she is lonely for us, her parents, and for her sisters. When she was here, did she long for Jesus? When she was conceived, born, did I feel like a stranger to her? As an adult, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Before a child's innocence is gone is Jesus just there, real and touchable? How good it must feel to a child when we treat them as Jesus does. No wonder they get hurt so easily, are so vulnerable, and say things we think are funny. A lot of things that take us hours to process takes them a moment - they are so clear and real to them. Is that because Jesus is a part of them? Can we see God more by listening to them?

Here are some of my experiences from this week:

Wednesday afternoon I was very sad. I cried and cried. Marlea was angry because she didn't have any playmate. I thought maybe doing something normal would be helpful; so I started sewing and Marlea sat beside me threading buttons, playing with playdough, all things her and Kira used to do together.

This is from Marlea's perspective:
Mommy was so sad again, with big tears falling down like raindrops. Her tears keep getting in my hair, I wish she would stop crying. I ask "Mommy, why are you crying?" "Because I am so sad about Kira" she says. I stop a bit and remember last night. Maybe I should tell Mommy about it. "Mommy, last night Kira came down from heaven again and slept with me. Her wings were too big to get into bed so she hung them on the hook where her pj's used to be. She cuddled up beside me like always. Her wings are white and she had a pink robe on again. Mommy, I miss Kira but I am glad Jesus sends her to me at night. Mommy, I had more dreams too." My mommy looks down at me hopefully. Feeling the urge to talk I go on. "A while ago I saw Jesus. He was so full of...Glory! He told me to tell my mommy not to be sad." My mommy stops and stares at me. "He said the Kira is going to come back." Then I get a funny look on my face and say "I think Kira is going to come out of the grave." Maybe if I say something a little funny, she will believe the Jesus part because I know she is supposed to. My mommy cries even more but now she looks happy. Jesus tells me that I need to help my mommy trust Him more and now I feel so happy because I finally gave her that message. Maybe now she will be happy and be able to understand that Kira is just in heaven. That's really not that far away and I would like to go there to play with Kira.

From Mom again:
Here is me, God. Here I was so worried about Marlea and You are taking care of me through her. Again I stand in awe of a God who created this big universe and put us inside. On Friday after a rainstorm, half a rainbow was visible, with our house under the middle of the arch....thanks for that promise, God! A God who is big enough to take care of broken little hearts and broken big hearts. A God who loves and knows us, His children. A God who cries with me and sends me touches of heaven through the people and things around us, especially as was shown this week through loving support.

The physical part of us was much better this week. Thanks so much for all your prayers. God obviously hears those prayers, because Sunday afternoon Merlin started feeling better and has been feeling somewhat better since. We are hoping that through this all maybe he can get to the root of his health problems that have been going on for years. Please pray that until then, he will not have any more episodes like the past one and that he will be able to function. We also continue to pray for his whole healing.

I have had this verse in the girl's bedroom since Marlea was born. "Let the children come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14
Merlin, Marylu, Marlea, and Anna


  1. I've been thinking of you so much, Marylu, and praying for you. Was going to send you a card last week, and never got it done. We've been grieving the loss of Saniyah, a 19 mo. old from our church. We buried her on Saturday. So many tears. I've been thinking too about how the Bible is silent on the death of children. Dwight comforted me in that with Matthew 19:14. This morning I was crying again a little, and then got the picture of Saniyah and Kira playing together, and was comforted.

  2. Marylou and Merlin,

    Although my fires are different then yours right now, I pray that my testimony will only shine light yours. Still praying!

    With much love,

    Debbie and Charlie

  3. My mother heart aches for you. Right now we are struggling with different issues with Yarelis and I just wish I could wipe all her hurts away from her. I think about you often and say a prayer for you. Wishing you God peace in your life. Love Sarah for the Beilers

  4. over and over God is faithful!! I love how He is revealing Himself through Marlea! Thanks for updating...u r gifted! I pray u and yours will feel His tender mercy toward you all today!! chet n lena

  5. WOW!! To see Jesus and heaven through the eyes of a child!! What a gift and blessing!!
    After our visit to the Inn this weekend,we came away with such a special feeling that we had been touched by God in a very special way.
    I have to admit that we were nervous about what to say to express our deep sympathy & love for all of you.
    But then that rainbow came over the fields and guided us right to your home. It spoke of that promise of Hope from God that you will be held up and loved and comforted through this journey. You will bring many to Jesus through your powerful messages of unwavering faith and trust.
    We did pray for you & especially for Marlea at Mass asking the Lord that she be comforted and healed and again find the joy that is given to a child. She certainly has amazing insight and has been given an incredibley beautiful glimpse of Jesus and Heaven.

    Oh to be like little children in our faith with that whole hearted trust in Jesus and the hope of Resurrection!!
    May you all sleep peacefully tonight.

    Thank you and God Be with you,
    Lee & John Tucker

  6. Beautiful! MaryLu, I was so touched by what you wrote, and how God inspired you to write. I especially liked Marlea's perspective. The words God ispired you to write has been one of God's gifts to me today. Thankyou.

    I love you guys! -Marita S.

  7. You all have been in my prayers often and I will continue to pray. A few days ago I prayed specifically for Marlea, that she would feel Jesus really close, that He would wrap His arms around her. After reading the blog I realized my prayer was answered. Your testimony through all of this has been an encouragement to me. God bless! ~Jody S.

  8. WOW God is so faithful to him who call on him. So thankful Marlea feels his prescemce as well!
    I am praying God will heal Merlyn and he can soon be feeling much better!
    May you rest and sleep well in the hollow of his hand . When I think of resting in the hollow of his hand I get this mental pic. of a bird nestled in a cozy nest in a safe place with the wind howling and the rain beating down but the bird is protected from the storm the rages around him . May you feel that protection and peace in your lives today and always . Lil

  9. Marylu & Family,
    After seeing you today, and reading this blog I cannot say I know the pain you are going through. Losing a child and losing a friend are two very different things. But it is all painful. I ask god to look over me and my baby, but sometimes looking over us is having us up there with him. Kira was a beautiful girl and I know she's also a beautiful angel. She isn't very far, you just have to think right now in that quote "Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." You might not be able to see her but if you try hard enough, you can feel her there. I love you and I hope as time goes by your days will get a litle easier.

    Love always,

  10. MaryLu, I can't express what a special girl Marlea is and at such a young age how strong her FAITH is. She is very wise and will help all of you during this very hard and difficult time. Jesus loves the children and I do believe that Kira is in His arms resting comfortably and how calming it must be for you to know that Marlea has an Angel watching over her to bring her comfort in the night. I pray that Merlin is feeling better and that all of you can find comfort in Marlea's wonderful words. God Bless and stay strong.
    Love, Sheila

  11. ...out of the mouths of babes! God speaks through them & the momentary easing of pain
    is a true gift from us the balm of releasing a piece of a broken heart. My love - Esther
