Monday, August 17, 2009


Rest-is there anything like it on earth for us to experience now? I ponder things; I try to figure out the days ahead, and my mind wanders. That is not rest. I work all day, and when I sit down I think about what I could be doing...that is not rest. I go to a party with my children and husband, and run after children all evening (I wish to have to run more!). That is not rest. On Sunday, I think I will rest. Instead, I care for my family. Although I love it - it is not rest. My heart wants to rest, my mind wants to rest, and my body wants to rest. Rest, is there rest anywhere? Does a mother ever really rest with both eyes shut and her brain turned off? More than that, can my heart rest? Can I be so okay with disappointment, pain, and reality that I feel rest? Can I in my simple humanness effectively turn my struggles over to Jesus and just rest in Him? My desire to fight is gone. My desire to be me and who I want or think I should be is gone. My desire to control my circumstances is gone. What's the point anyway? It is so much easier to rest in Jesus. Rest brings peace, no struggle, less stress, and a joyful attitude toward life. Rest is way at the bottom of the struggle; it's a giving up of my will. In it's place comes a filling of God like I have never experienced before. I feel no need to get upset with the trivial things of life. I feel in its place a passion to live for God - a passion to encourage those around me - a passion to keep my eyes set on Heaven. I feel more mercy from God than I ever did before. Endless mercy! It makes rest even more peaceful. The ultimate rest is Heaven. But I am amazed at the rest Jesus has to offer me here on this earth. It is just a taste of Heaven! "Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For I am gently and lowly in heart, AND YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" Matthew 11:28-30

A few months ago Marlea and Kira were playing doll and dress up. They both had/have imaginary husbands. They both came to me with longing looks on their faces. The words that came out of their mouths astounded me. "We want husbands. You have daddy, but we don't have husbands". I could hardly keep a straight face. I said something about praying for one for when they are older. I keep that memory and tuck it in my heart. Remembering that Kira's wish came true and she is being loved perfectly by her heavenly Father.

Merlin continues to struggle physically and all of us emotionally. Pray that we would have a clear picture of what God wants in our healing process. We thank God for the healing we have experienced both physically and emotionally. We continue to thank you all for holding us up. We have never felt forgotten in our current's almost six months.

Marylu and Merlin, Marlea, Anna


  1. Mary Lou
    Rest is freedom from oppression of the enemy, and peace of spirit. By God's grace you are demonstrating it though the enemy tries to bombard with restlessness midst the pain and struggle. Hebrews three and four portrays the secret of true godly rest.


  2. Dear Marylou,
    I love the story with the girls and wanting husbands. My granddaughter Bailey who is almost four now asked her mother who she was supposed to marry. Bailey suggested her daddy but mommy said she was already married to daddy. Bailey replied, "Oh, I know I'll marry Poppop." Oh how Charlie loved that." I do think of you all continually and pray for you. Hopefully I will get to see you soon.

  3. Dear Marylu,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I remember Kira in your arms on one of our visits to your inn. I continue to prayer for you and your family.

  4. dear friend...i'm praying! my love - Esther

  5. I cannot believe it is almost 6 months already. At times it seems like just yesterday...
    "hugs friend"

  6. Beautiful reminder of REST in Jesus. Thank you, sister. I can hardly bear to think that it will soon be six months since I've seen my little niece, since my sister has seen her little girl.
    I love you, Renita

  7. Dear Marylu:
    Thank you for continuing to inspire with your beautiful reflections. It takes such courage to open your heart as you have been.

    Resting in Jesus! How comforting and such a perfect picture of peace! Giving oneself over to the complete care of Jesus is such a testimony of faith.
    God is so merciful and loving in giving us the gift of rest and allowing peace to enter the soul. In Him only can be found perfect peace.

    You and the family are remembered in prayer. I hope & pray that Merlin will find complete healing soon.
    Thank you
    Lee Tucker
