Monday, January 18, 2010


The last few days I have been mulling over these verses "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Being anxious is not fun. I somehow have really missed this verse and practicing it in my life. In fact when I focus on this verse and it sinks in I despair. I feel like saying "Ahhhhh!" How in the world can I manage to really do this? Anxiety has gotten the best of me, starting with last summer. In short words I will attempt to describe the effects of being anxious on my body. I write these because I desire freedom and peace in my life. For one, my stomach is constantly in a knot, and my feet and toes are tense and often curled. The shoulders that are normally even are now in raised, making me feel as if I'm wearing them on my ears. My leg muscles are taut waiting for the next catastrophe to strike. My lungs take shallow gulps of air instead of long deep breaths. Sometimes I feel like asking them "How about working properly?" I also have this strange feeling that comes into my nostrils once in a while, making my whole face tense up. You know - that furrow that appears with age? Well, mine is like a cultivated field. And lastly - my heart races with adrenaline rushes. Even my head can be tricked into thinking everyday life is a race to win against myself. This in short is all a result of anxiety. Some of it is beyond my control simply because my adrenal gland is exhausted. The other majority of the problem is because my trust is God is shaken and I am learning to trust Him all over again in another way. The simplicity of God and His plan for humanity strikes me all over again. So simple - just tell Him about it, believe and thank Him, and then His peace will fill you. No room is left for me to hide in myself. No exemption clause is given for losing a child, having a sick husband, a grieving child, adrenal fatigue, or anything else. Just "be anxious for nothing." He even tells us how to fill our minds when we are finished with this whole process "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things." I really don't understand God or get the whole picture of this earthly life. When I get to heaven I wish to laugh at my anxious self. Probably in big, side-splitting laughs. Maybe I will even roll around on the ground. Until then, I want the peace of God; I want His guard on my mind and then maybe I can work on uncurling these toes.

Kira's daddy is a mechanic by nature. He has a strong passion for big engines that roar and race down the highway at significant speeds. He of course delights in trying to teach his girls about motors and cars. Kira must have understood it to some degree because when she drove her playhouse car around the family room this is what is sounded like. It would start up and then go "vroommm, errrrrrrn, errrrrrrrrn, errrrrrrrrrrrrrn." With each shift, there would be a higher pitch and more errn's on the end. Wonder what she would have done with a fast car?

The year mark is coming whether we like it or not. Please pray that we would be able to embrace it and rejoice with Kira that she now has a life of complete safety and security. The pain is great and unbearable, but God is good.

Marylu and Merlin, Marlea, Anna


  1. Hello there, I don't know you but came across your blog around the time Kira passed away last year. I'm sure as the anniversary approaches the grief intensifies again. Our first baby was stillborn due to a cord problem, and I remember how that first anniv. was so hard, re-living painful memories. I pray that God will give you special grace and comfort right now.

  2. I groan for you as you continue the journey.

  3. Dearest Marylu,

    Still praying for you. Depend on Him.


  4. thinking of you and your family ..
    prayers and good feelings sent your way.
    You will never forget, but love will overcome the pain.
    God Bless you and your family as the anniversary nears.
    Linda & Tom Devlin

  5. if i could, for one day, carry your pain for you, i would! hugs! my love - e

  6. Praying for you all for I know the feelings are real...but I also know God will help heal! Kira is as you have said, in a better place...of course she is still with you and always will be in your heart and cherished memories...a bond between a parent and child is never broken! Even death cannot steal that bond away! I came across this poem from another person who lost their child...hope it touches you today! Much love and prayers!

    Lisa Ann DiNunzio
    New Jersey

    The Cord

    We are connected,
    My child and I, by
    An invisible cord
    Not seen by the eye.

    It's not like the cord
    That connects us 'til birth
    This cord can't been seen
    By any on Earth.

    This cord does it's work
    Right from the start,
    It binds us together
    Attached to my heart.

    I know that it's there
    Though no one can see
    The invisible cord
    From my child to me.

    The strength of this cord
    Is hard to describe,
    It can't be destroyed
    It can't be denied.

    It's stronger than any cord
    Man could create
    It withstands the test
    Can hold any weight.

    And though you are gone,
    Though you're not here with me,
    The cord is still there
    But no one can see.

    It pulls at my heart
    I am bruised...I am sore,
    But this cord is my lifeline
    As never before.

    I am thankful that God
    Connects us this way
    A mother and child
    Death can't take it away!

    Author Unknown
